Call Now: 352-472-3343
Have your RV (Recreational Vehicle), 5th Wheel Trailer, or Camper Trailer towed anywhere in the continental USA.
You will receive your free, no-obligation transport quote by email within one business day in most cases.

If we need more information an AKAT booking agent will contact you by phone or email.

Transporters are insured, licensed, careful drivers

AKAT, Inc. provides transport quotes and arranges booking, payment and dispatch services. Actual transport is carried out by legal USA transport companies and insured drivers with legal transport credentials and advanced service capabilities.

Your RV/Trailer travels with up to $100,000* insurance and $1 million liability coverage

* RV Insurance up to $100,000 standard. Additional insurance available.

License tags are provided for transport so it's OK to transport unregistered RVs

License Tag / Vehicle Registration are not required for Tow Transport. Transport companies provide and use temporary License Tags during the transport of your RV.

Check in with driver during the transport

You'll have driver's cell number so you can coordinate pick up and delivery times and touch base during transport.

Info needed for
transport quote

Comparing Prices?
Please Be Careful!

If you compare prices, don't be decieved by a price much lower than ours. Most likely, a cheap transport offer is from an illegal uninsured solo driver. Anyone can claim to have commercial insurance. Ask for documentation. At AKAT inc. upon request we provide you with carrier's insurance documentation.

Also, beware of requests for a hefty down payment -- it may be a SCAM where the "transporter" disapears after you pay the deposit. AKAT only requires a minimum down payment to confirm transport.

Get a Free
Quote by PHONE

Call 352-472-3343. Operators are standing by 8-5 Mon-Fri and 9-3 Saturday, Eastern Standard Time.
If calling after hours, please leave a message with:
1) Your name,
2) Email address (That’s how we send your transport quote),
3) Phone,
4) Length of trailer,
5) Type of trailer hitch (bumper pull or 5th Wheel),
6) City, state and zip of your pick-up and delivery locations. Zip codes not required, but will provide the most accurate mileage estimate.

Thank you! Most quotes go out next business day.

TEXT Your Transport Quote Details to

352-214-4525 Anytime!

Send an SMS text message with:
1) Your name,
2) Email address (That’s how we send your transport quote),
3) Phone,
4) Length of trailer,
5) Type of trailer hitch (bumper pull or 5th Wheel),
6) City, state and zip of your pick-up and delivery locations. Zip codes not required, but will provide the most accurate mileage estimate.

Thank you! Most quotes go out next business day.

Safe, Prompt, Friendly, Reliable, Affordable RV, 5th Wheel